Change in the wind for residents of U.S.

I don't have any more idea what this new election process is portraying than anyone else, but it just might be that a change is in the wind for this country. Be it good or bad, right or wrong, its time has come.

Another hint of this is the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court (WSI Nov. 7) is looking at the new fourth branch of our government, the unelected bureaucracy, from the standpoint of it setting rules and fees and our lawmakers letting them do it. We have plenty of lawyers to help filter the decision down to the local level.

Then we have Mr. Arch Cooke's letter to the editor in the Appeal on Sunday talking about the need to raise building permit fees. He could also be a part of the changing times.

My first impression of raising building permit fees was that if that department is so overloaded, it would seem the best thing would be to trim it down instead and eliminate some of the control our city has over private property ownership.

The city is already immune from having to furnish anything to anybody, at any time, for any reason by NRS 119.183. Let them use some of the funds they don't have to spend on anything to support the much needed inspection process only.

Remember, when you ask permission or apply for license from anyone to do anything, you have just given up any right you may have had to do it without license or permission.

Perhaps we will begin to see how our supervisors interpret "of, by and for" the people.


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