Impatient driver runs over duck on highway

On May 10 at 5:10 p.m. on Highways 50 East, a duck and her ducklings were trying to cross the busy highway. I stopped and the men next to me stopped. We jumped out of our cars to get the ducks off the highway. We were all trying as fast as we could.

A guy in a blue four-wheel drive Ford truck, very high off the ground, could not wait for three or four minutes. He swerved around the stopped cars, stepped on the gas, ran over one, two went flying up in the air and landed on their heads. What a horrible thing to see. One of the injured ducks died in our friend's hands. The other one did survive.

To the man in the truck, someone knows who you are. You should be punished. How could you be so mean and uncaring? Wildlife has a hard enough time trying to survive in this hurried world. There should be signs up to watch for wildlife. Would people stop then?

Our thanks to the two Carson City Toyota men who stopped and helped.


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