Letter: Lunch at senior center is open to everyone

I would like to respond to the letter written by Washoe Valley resident Shirley Stockwell which appeared in Tuesday's May 15 edition. She wrote that she and her friend were turned away for lunch at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center because they resided in Washoe Valley. On behalf of the senior center, we apologize to Shirley for what appears to have been a misunderstanding on the part of a volunteer. We do not turn anyone away in our congregate program because they do not live in Carson City.

Our Meals on Wheels program, however, restricts us to delivering to certain areas, but our nutrition program at the senior center is not restricted by residence. The only requirement is an individual be 60 years of age or older.

Once again, Shirley, we regret that this incident happened to you and your friend. You are welcome at the Carson City Senior Center any time! So is anyone who is 60 years of age or older no matter in which county you reside.


Social Services Manager

Carson City Senior Citizens Center


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