Douglas County Republican Women Donate $500 for Mammovan

The Douglas County Republican Women collect donations at each of their monthly luncheon meetings for the Mammovan for Nevada, as one of their "Caring for America Projects, Republican Women Involved on Community Concerns."

The women donated $500 to the Mammovan project, which was started by first lady Dema Guinn, Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., and former congresswoman Barbara Vucanovich.

The Mammovan provides mammograms, bone density screening, and other health checks free of charge, for people who are unable to pay and would otherwise be unable to obtain these services.

This service is also provided to people in rural areas who would not have the ability to get to a medical facility without undue hardship or cost. Medical insurance payment is also accepted as payment in full.

The Mammovan travels throughout Nevada spending six months in Northern Nevada and six months in Southern Nevada and is based at the Nevada Rural Health Center in Carson City.

Douglas County Republican Women present $500 check to Nevada's First Lady Dema Guinn. Left to right : DCRW Immediate Past President Shaaron Snead, First Lady Dema Guinn, DCRW First Vice President, Jean Tomlinson, DCRW President Mary Jane Harding.

Story and Photo submitted by Shaaron Snead (775) 267-5066


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