IGT slots rate high in survey

Slot and video poker machines

manufactured by Reno's International

Game Technology were the favorites of

casino players nationwide in the second

annual "The Best of Slots" readers

survey conducted by Strictly Slots


The survey results -- published in

the October 2002 edition of the magazine

-- showed IGT games taking all

of the top five spots in four categories:

Favorite Reel Slot and Luckiest Reel

Slot, with IGT's Double Diamond

placing first in both categories; and

Best Reel Slot Graphics and Best

Progressive Slot, with Wheel of

Fortune taking first place both times.

IGT also placed four of the top five

choices in six other categories: Best

Reel Slot Sound, Best Reel Slot

Theme, Best Reel Slot Bonus Round,

Most Innovative Reel Slot (with

Wheel of Fortune placing first in all

four divisions), Best Video Slot Sound,

and Best Video Slot Graphics.

In the video poker categories, IGT

products took all three top places in all

three categories: Best Video Poker

Game, Best Video Poker Game

Variation, and Best New Video Poker


IGT's The Price is Right machine

took the top spot for Best New Video Slot.


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