The day still lives in infamy

Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 ... President Roosevelt called it "A day that will live in infamy," and America was plunged into World War II. It brings to mind the words of General George S. Patton, which are applicable today ... "You shouldn't underestimate an enemy, but it is just as fatal to overestimate him." And one of our favorites ... "The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."

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Got a phone call the other day from several "prominent" people in town. They were searching for the best chocolate martini in town (yuck) ... with all the giggles, we think they found it, but, as one of them said, "you probably had to have been there ...."

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Are we the only ones that notice that teenagers and preteens all think they're invincible ... more and more, we've seen them step off the curb in front of traffic at the local schools .... One of these days, it's going to be 150-pound teenager - 0, vs. a 2,000-pound- plus car - 1 ... or maybe it's a contest to see how dumb you are? Splat, squish ...

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We are tired of hearing about and seeing the Michael Jackson "probe" (a friend says, "now that's a fine choice of a word."), Rush, Kobe, Trista and Ryan ... name your own "fave" ... who really cares?

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Speaking of "favorites," we have our own intersections in town that drive us crazy ... the T-bone at Winnie and Roop, where the southbound Roop traffic tries to do in the rest of us; the intersection at Hot Springs and College Parkway ... go figure ... and the two potholes on the north corners of Clearview and South Curry ... great on the car's alignment .... Maybe it's part of a motocross track?

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So, Ne-vah-da is the subject of the moment, instead of Nev-aaa-da (or if you're in Missouri, it's Ne-vay-da) ... big deal ... but now we know why GWB didn't endorse Arnold for governor ... he probably couldn't pronounce Schwarzenegger ... which goes along of course with Nu-Q-lar, instead of Nu-klee-ar ... we figure his "handlers" must be Democrats ....

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We can put a man on the moon, but we can't make a toilet that flushes on the first flush ... well, poop ....

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Garibaldi's has moved next door into bigger digs ... and "The Basil," a new Thai restaurant has moved in just north of them ... and if you want comedy with dinner, go to Devencenzi's and talk to Tom and Joe (their names are changed to protect the innocent). It's great we have so many good restaurants in good old C-town.

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A starter on the Las Vegas High School football team, Edward Gomez, died last week after a playoff game. It's always such a tragedy for a young man to die playing a game he loved. Our condolences go out to his family, teammates and school.

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Have any of you actually seen a rock climber or a Native American on Cave Rock? We think they are making a mountain out of a mole hill ....

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The Indian casinos in California are making a dent in our economy ... they claim to be "sovereign nations"... So does this mean that when they need fire, police and other services, they'll supply them? Just asking ....

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So, we can't finish one of our schools because the government is sending supplies to Iraq? Makes the statement we heard from a fed that the U.S. is stockpiling a lot of needed things to use in Iraq at our expense ... that 51st state idea is beginning to sound better and better ....

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"'Tis the season to be jolly ...." Christmastime is now upon us ... soooo, if anyone feels inclined to send us "tasteful" presents ... Carolyn wants a Mercedes, Maizie a Hummer, and we both would go for money, stocks and bonds, a cure for cellulite (Avon's "vanishing" creme doesn't work ... we're still here) ... and jewelry ... after all, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend ...."

Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Contact them by writing to


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