O'Callaghan rare among politicians

Two good men died last Friday, both devout Catholics, and both well thought of by their peers.

Gov. Mike O'Callaghan was a straightforward gentleman, had a great sense of humor, and was someone to look up to ... he was a rare breed of politician who would listen to you until you were done ... and, unlike many others, he did not keep looking around to see if there was someone more "important" nearby that he could "glad hand"... he used to take Maizie's sons hunting and fishing with his boys .... So to his Carolyn and family, our deepest sympathy...

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You wouldn't know the other man who passed away on Friday ... his name was Biringer Miller, and he lived in Leavenworth, Kan. He was one of Maizie's Immaculata High School classmates, and, although he never married, he helped the people of Leavenworth in many ways by supporting the Catholic schools, donating the beautiful pipe organ to the cathedral, and bravely bearing the lengthy disease that finally killed him ... a wonderfully cheerful man Maizie, and others, were privileged to know.

Both were heroes in their own ways...both will be sorely missed...and, hopefully, they are having a grand old time in Heaven, because we think they both got "free passes" to get there ...

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And, while we're on the subject of obituaries, we both read them in the morning to see if our names are listed (yes, we know that's an "oldie") ... seriously, however, how many times have you read about someone dying and wished you'd at least said "hello" before the fact? So, go do it ...

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It also reminded us that last week we both were driving by a funeral home (Carolyn by Walton's, Maizie by FitzHenry's), saw a big funeral getting out, wondered who died, and wondered why we weren't invited ... now that's bad ... maybe we should become professional mourners ... or was it for the food afterward? (nobody said we had any class) ...

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The good news is that the West Point Glee Club from the U.S. Military Academy will be performing in concert March 16 at the South Reno Baptist Church. They will also split up earlier that day and give some "mini" concerts at local schools, including one at Carson High ... for additional information, call Jeannette Miller (whose son, Ehren, will be graduating from USMA this year) at 694-1510 or 882-7326 ... not only do they sound great, but they're ever so luscious to look at (it's that "men in uniform" thing ... or is it a Jimmy Carter thing?) ...

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We loved John Metz's letter to the editor last week, where he decided that if we privatized Social Security, it should be in oil company stocks ... a slick solution if we ever heard one ...

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Wear your togas to work Monday ... 'tis the Ides of March (and happy birthday, Dorothy) ... It's a good way to air out your sheets, and Julius Caesar would be proud...

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Robby Liebherr was named "Mr. Carson High" the other night ... there was a "lovely" picture of him on the front page of the newspaper ... so we envision him as the new star of Pinkerton's "Nutcracker" this year ... as the Sugar Plum Fairy? Naaaaah ... but we can see him in a "pass the ducks" (no, no...that's "pas de deux") as the main course ... 'er, attraction ...

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Scott Thorson of NDOT was kind enough to explain why there is no turn signal on Roop going north and south by the post office ... even though he didn't think we'd understand because we're "girls" (HA) ... He said that Little Lane is offset, and, because visibility is poor, it required a turn arrow for safety ... did we get it, Scott? He also suggested that we check with Harvey Brotzman of the Carson City Public Works Department so that he can explain it ... we will, we will ...

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More hurrahs ... Rite of Passage took the State 3A title last week ... first time ever ... congrats Rams ...

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Mel Rappaport, an old friend from New York, wrote us to say he heard that George W. Bush was writing his memoirs ... it's called "30 Seconds Over Texas ..." (Hey ... we don't write this stuff, we just report it.)

Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write them at editor@nevadaappeal.com.


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