Northern Nevada Business Weekly: Tell us about your company its specialties, its history, the size of its staff.
Terry Fegan: We are a small Celtic gift shop and teashop in a house on South Center Street that was built in 1906. You can browse our jewelry, art and gifts or have an authentic Celtic lunch or cream tea service while sitting in a homelike setting. We have myself or my daughter at all times in the shop or one of our wonderful employees, either Pauline who is from Scotland and makes our scones, or my brother Tom, who makes our soda bread and brown bread, or one of our high school students who are delightful and full of energy and knowledge about our store and foods.
NNBW: What role do you play in the company?
Fegan: I am the buyer, marketer and trifle maker.
NNBW: What kind of boss are you?
Fegan: Hopefully a good one. I believe in this shop being a family.
NNBW: How did you get into this profession?
Fegan: I studied Celtic history in college before going into nursing. My family is from Ireland and my husband was born and raised in Coventry, England and we always talked about doing something like this.
NNBW: What do you enjoy about it?
Fegan: Meeting so many wonderful interesting people from the UK, Scotland, Ireland and here in Reno. Reno has such a warm happy community, and it is delightful to be able to provide a place for them that is full of heritage and history.
NNBW: What do you find annoying or frustrating about it?
Fegan: These are difficult times for everyone financially and so keeping a business going in this atmosphere is frustrating.
NNBW: If you could have had any other profession what would it have been? Why wasn't it your first choice?
Fegan: This is my second profession and I love nursing along with running the shop. I plan on eventually retiring from nursing and devoting myself full time to my shop. My husband and I wanted a way to incorporate business and pleasure, visiting back and forth. I studied history of Ireland and England at San Francisco State, and this also affords me a way of incorporating some of what I learned and a venue in which to learn more.
NNBW: What effect has the changing economic environment had on your company?
Fegan: It is difficult to keep a small business alive in these times, but it just takes a lot more marketing and you have to work really hard at getting your name out there and providing an excellent and unique product.
NNBW: How do you spend your time away from the office? Why are these activities important to you?
Fegan: I am a regional director of case management for five hospitals in Texas and Oklahoma and so I have to travel there two to three weeks out of the month. The rest of my time is spent devoted to my family, watching my son play soccer with Reno High School and my daughter is the manager of the store, so we get to spend time together here.
NNBW: Do you have a favorite vacation memory?
Fegan: Hawaii with the whole family.
NNBW: Of all the things you learned from your parents, which do you feel was the most valuable?
Fegan: Honesty.
NNBW: Who were your childhood heroes?
Fegan: Don't think I had any except for some teachers.
NNBW: What school activities and sports did you participate in?
Fegan: Swimming, diving, tumbling, dancing and cheerleading.
NNBW: What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Fegan: That I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to.
NNBW: What is the one thing you most want people to remember about you?
Fegan: I hope I made them smile.
The basics:
Name: Terry Fegan
Professional position: Owner, The Isles Teashop
How long have you been in this job? Two years
How long in the profession? Two years
Education: College degree in nursing
Best book you've read? "Look Homeward Angel"
Do you have a nickname? If no, have you ever? Nope