Our Opinion: Be prepared for zombies or other disasters

We're no strangers to disaster here in Carson City. We've seen floods in the winter and big fires during the summer. We're also home to several impressive earthquake faults, any of which could set off a pretty hefty shaker.

There are plenty of chances things will go awry here, and preparation is the key to ensuring personal survival. That's something we've said again and again, and will say some more, but often it seems to fall on deaf ears.

At least one agency has had some success cutting through the static. The Centers for Disease Control regularly issues information on developing an emergency kit and some basics for dealing with an emergency, including such things as floods, tornadoes and earthquakes.

These posts attract as many as a couple of thousand hits on the website. However, this year, they hit on the idea of using a zombie apocalypse as one of the emergencies listed under Preparedness 101. We hate say it when referring to something dealing with the authoritative source on disease in the country, but the post went viral. We don't believe in zombies, but we do believe in preparedness, and if the one shambles along to lead folks to the other, who are we to argue. Google "CDC zombie apocalypse" to find out more about preparedness, or zombies for that matter. Then maybe break down and build a kit in case one of our more down-to-Earth disasters strikes.


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