Letters to the editor March 19

ACLU looks at hearsay rather than facts

A recent news article mentioned that the American Civil Liberties Union was concerned about care that inmates receive in the state prison system. It was suggested that tales received from many inmates led to credibility of their complaints. The ACLU should know that a good tale described by one inmate can be agreed to by 10,000 others in a week. Anecdotal evidence has very little credibility in prison.

More to the point would be looking at the inmates. How many are losing weight or suffering from malnutrition because the food is bad? None. How many have overweight issues? Many. Apparently they like the food, bad as it may be. How many have their high blood pressure or diabetes untreated. None, except those who refuse treatment, which is their right. Pick any other medical condition - cancer, psychiatric disorders, kidney failure - and you will find that inmates get their chemotherapy, psychiatric consults and dialysis as prescribed providing they agree to it. Inmates have better access to medical care than many in the community do.

In many cases, inmates have had no access to medical care prior to coming to prison so the prison system has to deal with not just the normal ailments of any population, but also that of years of neglect on the part of the inmate. Additionally, many inmates suffer the consequences of many years of illegal drug abuse.

The ACLU is trying to denigrate the Department of Corrections with hearsay rather than with facts.

Del Snider

Carson City

Teacher wants her teachers to know they're appreciated

In an era when everyone seems to be teacher-bashing, I have a few people to show long-due appreciation.

Thank you to my family and friends who supported me through the difficult years of college, the painful student teaching when I paid for the honor of working nearly a year for free, and the moral support when I came home in tears - unsure that I would be able to fulfill such a daunting task.

Thank you to the dedicated, patient, and devoted teachers at Jacks Valley Elementary, Carson Valley Middle School and Douglas High for their tireless efforts to get my three children through their school years. One is an artist, one is a financial advisor for Wells Fargo, and another is in retail sales and computer repair.

Thanks especially to those of you who allowed me to learn by letting me use your students as guinea pigs - gleaning ideas and techniques for my own journey through college to get my teaching degree in 2000.

Thank you to my mentors. You helped me adjust to the endless demands of teaching and showed me that every day I am given many chances to change someone's life


It's easy to point a finger at someone when things go wrong, and public schools are in the crosshairs today. I just want you all to know that I understand how hard you work, I see the sacrifices you make, and I am completely honored to call you my colleagues.

Laurel Dority

Carson City


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