Faith & Insight: Diet and exercise

You have probably heard these words linked together often when the topic is health. It is also pretty common this time of year for many to be thinking about diet and exercise because of the eating patterns that come with the holiday season. I enjoy the “feasting” times and am comforted in seeing that God instructed His people to enjoy “feasts,” so I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. OK, now we’re back to diet and exercise. I think we can easily agree that these are important for our physical health — they also are important for our spiritual health. What we eat isn’t enough — there is more necessary for spiritual health. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Mat. 4:4) The main “food group” in spiritual health is the Word of God, the Bible. In the Bible, it refers to itself as bread, milk (1Pet 2:2), meat (or solid food) (Heb 5:14). I encourage you to establish a pattern of a daily time with Jesus — reading, listening, praying, thinking, journaling. We have a number of helpful resources that are available at FFC — including Life Journals, Bible reading schedule bookmarks, and online reading on our website ( is also necessary for health and growth. Spiritual exercise happens as we walk with God, serve Him and pray. Communication with God is foundational to spiritual health and growth. Let’s all set a course for a fruitful new year — establish good patterns of diet and exercise, both physical and spiritual. • Louie Locke is the pastor of Fountainhead Foursquare Church, 3690 Highway 395, Carson City,


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