Past pages for Saturday, June 29, 2013

140 years ago

Bedbugs begin to show their diminished heads as the warm weather comes on. A great deal of complaint is made about some of the abode houses infracting the steamship regulations. One old lady says she is never troubled by the nocturnal crusaders. She makes frequent use of hot suds with carbolic acid and the bugs keep away.

130 years ago

Fight at a Gambling Table. Sunday a fight between O’Brien and S.W. Clifford over $2 being taken by Clifford almost ended with Clifford almost drawing his gun when Sheriff Swift threw up his arm, preventing bloodshed. A later court trial reported the jury could not agree.

100 years ago

As Tonopah has been barred from some games, including the drilling contest on the 4th, the double-headed celebration between the two towns (Goldfield and Tonopah) has been called off. From the way the two papers are dishing one another up, the fireworks is now on.

70 years ago

The wreckage of an Army bomber missing since Jan. 2 was found yesterday buried in the snow of the Humboldt Mountains, southwest of Wells, Nevada. Ten crewmen perished in the crash.

50 years ago

John Lee Gillie celebrated his third birthday party at his home on Nevada Street.

20 years ago

Carson City invites locals to “toe the line” every Saturday when a special Blue Line tours of the Kit Carson Trail are underway.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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