Front row, from left: Suzanne Crawford and Geraldine Doyle. Seated on stage: Erin Copp and Jean Mitchell. Standing: Joy Hanssen, Gail Gundersen, Jim Crawford, Amy Wachtel, Fritz Schlottman and Raphella Bell.
Dayton’s Misfits Theater Group will perform “The Drunkard or the Fallen Saved” at 7 p.m. today and Saturday and Nov. 1-2 at Odeon Hall, 65 Pike St.
A melodrama, originally written as a serious temperance play, is now being performed as a comedy.
The Misfits encourage fan interaction and ask for the crowd to have a good time yelling “boos,” “yeahs” and “aahs” at the cast. Singing to familiar tunes also is encouraged. The cost is $10. Call Carol for reservations at 775-246-9622.