Letters to the editor for Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013

Keep eye out for all animals on west side

I was very glad to see the letter from Pamela Ross in this morning’s letters to the editor, and I would like to expand on it a little.

Yes, we have deer in the Ash Canyon area as well as Kings Canyon. I live just a few blocks north of the old hospital, and it is not uncommon for me to find deer munching on the rose bushes in front of my living room window in the morning. I drive all over town every day as part of my business, and I see deer every day somewhere in town. Last week I saw a doe resting on the lawn just north of the fire station on Roop Street. Later that day I saw her crossing Division Street heading back to the hills.

I see deer crossing Division Street just about every day. I’m sorry. I guess I need to get used to the new name, U.S. Route 395 Alternate. Some of us on the west side refer to it that way now and just think what it will be like when our backward thinking city council makes Carson Street a quaint little two-lane street. Very befitting to a little town of 15,000 people. The bottom line is that we need to watch for wildlife anywhere we drive on the west side of town. We watch out for joggers, cyclists, texting teens and pets. We just need to do the same for the deer.

Mike Enright

Carson City

Why do so few people pay taxes on property?

I read the article submitted by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce in the Nevada Appeal. It lamented the fact that there wasn’t a consensus as to how the last 1/8 cent sales tax should be spent. By the way, this 1/8 cent sales tax hasn’t even been enacted yet, so it would be an additional tax levied. Astoundingly, I read in the bottom of the third paragraph that only 18 percent of the property owners in Carson City pay property taxes. Well, just who does pay the property taxes that the other 82 percent don’t pay? Who pays for fire protection and police protection and parks for which the property taxes levied?

I don’t happen to own property in Carson City, but I spend a lot of money shopping and visiting there. However, if I did, I would be screaming about this very unbalanced and discriminatory property tax collection for required services.

It’s no wonder the city hasn’t enough money to do the things they are required to do by law and still be able to do some enhancement projects without raising more taxes on everyone doing any business in Carson City.

Does Carson City really have so many “poor” property owners that they can’t pay any of their property taxes?

Loren Norris



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