Letters to the editor for Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013

Name-calling shouldn’t be part of an Appeal columnist’s job

What standards should be set for someone recognizes as a “commentator” by a local newspaper? I would like to second Barb Williams’ letter about the disdain with which Dan Mooney treats those who disagree with him. Isn’t a commentary about issues and why we believe about them as we do?

Mooney’s column of Aug. 15 assumes only conservatives are “rational thinkers” and labels liberal thinking as “dysfunctional.” He further disparages liberals with these quotes: “The reason for liberal thinking often cannot be rationally explained ... their own dysfunctional behaviors ... strong belief systems not possible for rational people to understand ... not honest about their motives ... their real motives are unacceptable to themselves.”

This is name calling and shouldn’t be encouraged with a regular column. Contrast that with the well-written commentary written by Bo Statham which gives thoughtful reasons for his final paragraph: “Ideologically driven demands to shrink government or forever prohibit tax increases in the face of demonstrable national needs are irresponsible ... views not founded in the Constitution. Government as a force for good is.”

Surely there must be some conservative commentator who is able to discuss ideas without trashing a whole group of people who disagree with him/her.

Midge Breeden

Carson City

County and state vehicles waste gasoline, money by speeding

Have you noticed how often the speed limit is exceeded by state and county vehicles?

If you call the parent state/county agency to register your dismay at the waste of gas and government money, you will be told these are probably emergency vehicles, or the driver is allowed to take them home because they are on-call. The specific state/county agency never answers the inquiry why they are exceeding the speed limit without emergency flashers even mounted.

It must be incredible the amount of gasoline and state dollars that are wasted in exceeding the speed limits and for the simple fact that these agencies care not to address the issue.

How do you determine a state or county vehicle? On the license plate the numbers are preceded by a small case e over an x. What can be done? You will first need the license number, the time observed and the location. Be specific. For the county vehicles, you will need to contact your board of county commissioners and for the state you need to send a letter to the governor. In this manner, your concern is officially noted.

Now, you might say, small matter … a few gallons of gas. The cumulative value of that wasted gas might have resulted in few more patrolmen on the streets or a shorter wait at the DMV. Want your property taxes or user fees raised again? It’s time to expect more from government service, and it’s time to demand an accounting.

Steve Turley



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