Past Pages for Saturday, April 5, 2014

140 years ago

The fence-repairing time hath come, the dearest of the year. The frugal house-wife with broom in hand and carpets on the brain, now makes out her elongated list of wants. And yet these spring-time repairs are not without their recompense. It is with this the Washoe violet, shows its pretty face in wee clumps and redeems forever the misappreciated face of the desert.

130 years ago

Yesterday morning an unknown man was run into by the local train on the V&T road and soon died of his injuries. The train was on the downgrade from Lake View when the engineer noticed the man and blew the whistle. As the train neared the man made no effort to get off and shook his cane as if he was defying it.

100 years ago

Warden Dickerson of the State Prison says there is more fodder for cattle than needed and recommends the state purchase some 200 yews (sheep). The prison board authorized the purchase of the sheep and a stallion of no more than $1,000. The warden was also authorized to purchase a registered short horn Durham bull for the farm.

70 years ago

As provided by law, Nevada’s cash on hand was counted Friday for the month of March. Gov. E.P. Carville headed the group consisting of Malcolm McEachin, Secretary of State; Alan Bible, Attorney General; Dan Sullivan, chairman of the industrial commission and Don Laure, state auditor.

50 years ago

Nevada’s first April showers were in a variety of forms, including rain, snow and hail. The moisture, welcomed by ranchers and farmers, was expected to be followed by colder temperatures.

30 years ago

From the April Fool’s edition of the Nevada Ordeal: Applesauce. Fresh out of ideas. By what’s her face, Ordeal Staffer. Sometimes a columnist runs out of ideas. In fact, columnists very frequently run out of ideas. Usually, this is evident to the reader because the columnist uses a lot of words to say something that could be stated very briefly. It also is apparent when the columnist decides its time to resurrect a particularly good column from years past. This is one of those times.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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