Letter to the editor, Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Be aware of pedestrians crossing streets

In the last three weeks we have had two pedestrians struck by vehicles while in crosswalks. For many this may not seem like a large number but even two is too many. With the increase in traffic during the summer months and along with it a large amount of pedestrians out and about; we must all do our part to ensure the safety of those crossing the roadways.

Motorists, pay attention to the crosswalks as you approach, slow down and be prepared to stop. Pedestrians, put away the cell phones and other devices which distract you and pay attention to the oncoming traffic before crossing the street. Use the marked crosswalks which are provided.

Think these suggestions are lame? Think about the cost to you in medical bills, insurance rates, and other related costs should you strike a pedestrian with your vehicle or if you, the pedestrian are found to be at fault for the crash.

Pay attention and most of all use common courtesy with one another.

Sgt. Scott McDaniel

Carson City Sheriff’s Office


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