Hometown Health, Renown’s insurance division, will be moving to the offices at Professional Circle early next year. In 2015, Renown Health purchased the 63,200-square-foot building located at 10315 Professional Circle. This location is in close proximity to Renown’s South Meadows campus and had data center technology in place at the time of purchase. Renown paid $11.7 million, or more than $184 per square-foot for the property. Allison Williams, public relations business partner with Renown Health shared that just as with their medical facilities, Hometown Health is working to grow in order to meet the community’s needs. Nearly 130,000 area residents currently rely on Hometown Health for healthcare coverage.
Adam Lane, vice president of Real Estate & Facility Support Services, Renown Health explained that they own everything between Professional Circle and the South Meadows campus location. They currently have no plans for the open space that is between the South Meadows medical location and Professional Circle. In South Meadows, Renown also occupies two spaces off McCabe Drive. One location they lease, which includes pediatrics, and the other location they own, which houses primary care. Lane indicated that Renown remains versatile in their options for creating ways to continue growing and serving the community. They pay close attention to the delivery platforms they currently have across the city and work to match the growth of the community as needed. Renown also uses data and statistics to analyze and create demographic models for use with annual, as well as five-year strategy. Lane highlighted Renown’s intention to grow and adapt with the community’s needs as part of the application of the data analysis.
Information provided by Renown indicated in fiscal year 2015, Renown Health earned more than $78 million in net income. Of that, South Meadows accounted for $18.7 million. According to their website, their fiscal year in 2015 broke down as follows: 8 percent income available to reinvest, 40 percent salaries and benefits, 18 percent healthcare payments to partners, 14 percent supplies, 9 percent property and equipment and 11 percent other.
Renown’s South Meadows Medical Center, which is where the only emergency room for south Reno is located, has more than 450 employees, according to Renown. Their website also indicates Renown is the largest private workforce in the region with more than 5,770 employees. It also specifies that they create more than 4,096 indirect jobs as well. Being the only locally owned, not for profit, health network in Reno, one of Renown’s initiatives is growing and innovating, as mentioned above — meaning their goal is to have programs and services that make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and families throughout the region.
Via Renown, the South Reno area has access to assisted living, medical groups including Behavioral Health and OB-GYN, urgent care, emergency services, X-ray and imaging, lab services and surgical services. Lane indicated that all of the South Meadows area is doing well, serving the area well and that there are opportunities for growth.
Renown has the space to continue growing and diversifying in south Reno. The consistent theme of change and steady calculated growth seen across many industries throughout Reno seems to also apply to Renown. Lane said, based on their desire to match the progress of the community, “Renown is always looking for growth opportunity.”
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