Students complete WNC probation intern program

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Shane Blair and Juliette Roberson participated in a 16-week program through Western Nevada College that was aimed to provide students with the opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of Parole and Probation. It also helped introduce them to all areas of the department’s function within the criminal justice system.

These students were selected to participate in the program and had to be in good standing with WNC, possess strong leadership and communication skills, a good attitude and be motivated to learn. Students interested in the program had to first perform an initial interview then pass an interview with the department before being accepted into the program.

The internship was designed to create a realistic experience that showed what the officers do on the job including rehabilitating, educating and guiding offenders to become contributing members of society. Another part of that job is to also learn how to prevent future criminal activity and increase public safety.

Both students intend on applying with the Department of Public Safety to become officers.


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