Faith & Insight: Heaven: A happy home

Do you ever dream of heaven? Do you wonder what heaven must be like? Jesus described heaven as a happy home — “My Father’s house.”

Of all the things of earth, nothing could so aptly describe heaven to an earthling as comparing heaven to a happy home.

The happy home seemed heavenly to John Howard Payne who composed “Home, Sweet Home.”

Payne was a tired and weary traveler when he sat down to rest on the porch of a stranger’s house at the close of day. He could hear the joyful sounds of children at play and the song of their mother through the half-open door. He was at once convinced of the value and joy of a good home.

Payne retired to his dingy room and penned the song that would become a favorite of millions of people, “Home, Sweet Home.” In it he wrote, “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”

Sometime later, Payne walked down that same street and sat down upon that same porch. This time he heard a mother singing to her children his song.

A house isn’t a home. You can buy a house, but not a home. You make a home. With the Lord’s help a home can be a picture of heaven.

God’s family, the church, may be a portrait of heaven too. It can and should be a place where God’s children are nurtured and loved.

When the home and the church become reflections of heaven, God will receive honor and many will declare, “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”

Ken Haskins is pastor of First Christian Church in Carson City.


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