The waiting line to give blood streches outside the front door of United Blood Services and onto the sidewalk Monday morning as community members pack the facility to help victims of the Las Vegas shooting.
By 11 a.m., about 50 people were waiting in line at United Blood Service (UBS) on Winnie Lane to donate blood, including cadets from the police academy and other individuals who wanted to help.
“I was on my way to get a haircut and have nothing else to do, so what is an hour out of my time considering,” said Daniel Krahn, a Carson City resident.
Scott Edward, donor marketing director for UBS in Reno, encouraged people interested in giving blood to go online to and make an appointment if any slots were still available.
“There will be significant waits in line,” he said. “The response has been tremendous. There’s been a very emotional response.”
Scott said UBS had already sent blood available within its system, from Northern Nevada, Arizona and California, to Las Vegas so local locations needed to replenish their supplies. He said O negative and platelets were particularly needed but all donations are important.
“I talked to Carolyn Goodman, the mayor of Las Vegas, and offered any assistance. We don’t know yet what they might need,” said Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell.
The mayor also conveyed his support via Twitter:
“Our prayers go out this morning to the victims and families of this senseless act of violence. Carson City stands strong with Las Vegas,” he said.
Nick Marano, Carson City manager, said Fire Chief Sean Slamon also has been in contact with his counterparts in Las Vegas and Clark County to offer help.
Marano had not heard of any city employees affected by the incident after asking all department heads to check on their staff.”
Marano said he had confidence in the Sheriff’s Office to handle similar large events in Carson City.
“We do plan for security for every major event in town,” said Marano. “The key takeaway for me is people don’t just snap overnight. There are key indications and warnings that people close to someone should be reasonably expected to notice. People don’t go off the rails overnight.”
Crowell and Marano said anyone in Carson City affected by the shooting and needing victim assistance can contact Mary Jane Ostrander at Health and Human Services, (775) 283-7234
Carson Tahoe Health released a statement on its Facebook page also providing information for those who want to donate blood:
“Our thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt condolences are with all the victims, families, and loved ones affected by the beyond horrifying, unthinkable tragedy that has devastated Las Vegas and our entire nation. We would also like to thank those who faced fear and chaos with courage and heroism to help save lives. More than ever, in times of tragedy, we must pull together as a country and show our compassion, support, and love for all; United We Stand. With over 500 people injured, blood donations are critically needed; to donate blood, please visit, or call United Blood Services at 775-324-6454 (Reno) or 775-887-9111 (Carson City).”