Senior Center Director Courtney Warner and Mayor Bob Crowell cut a ribbon to celebrate the renovation of the new lobby area at the Senior Center on Tuesday. Looking on are, from left, Laurel Stadler, Mary Geisler and Mike Pavlakis.
The Carson City Senior Center unveiled its newly refreshed lobby and reception area on Tuesday
Through a community effort led, in part, by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce 2018 Leadership Institute Class members and supported by friends of the Senior Center, led by Tina Temple, the lobby received fresh paint and artwork, including the Center’s new logo in laser cut steel. Furniture was refinished and a new reception desk was installed.
“Our main activity was fundraising,” Patty Chang, Chamber leadership class project lead, said. “It’s a very worthwhile cause and we’re very excited to have raised over $8,000 from generous donors quickly.”
With financial support from the leadership class, Senior Center Executive Director Courtney Warner put out a request for help with achieving the vision set forth by Center participants through its branding research project launched in early 2017. Temple stepped in and rallied community resources.
“Our seniors love color, activity and motion,” Warner said. “We incorporated modern touches, soothing interior colors and finishes with a vibrant painting full of movement by Carson City artist Chris Sullivan.”