Jason Gardner competes in the newspaper toss during the End of Bike Week Party on Friday evening in McFadden Plaza.
As the leaves in Carson City change to bright reds and yellows in the crisp air, one thing remains certain — fall is a fabulous time in the capital city.
While there are events nearly every weekend, here are eight that should not be missed:
Nevada Day — Carson City goes all out for Nevada’s birthday with a parade and other celebrations, including a hot-air balloon launch, beard contest and more. (Oct. 27)
La Ka Lel Be Powwow — Called “the people’s gathering,” the powwow celebrates American Indian history, featuring 40 arts and crafts vendors and more than 200 dancers. (Oct. 25-27)
Trick-or-Treat — Little ghouls, goblins, princesses (and their parents) line up at the Governor’s Mansion on Halloween Night to get a treat from the governor himself. (Oct. 31)
BOO-nanza — Safe and fun trick-or-treating with a haunted house, crafts, games, costume contest, food trucks and more. (Oct. 30)
Passport to Downtown — Celebrate the completed Curry Street Improvement Project with live music, street performers and family fun. The more businesses you visit, the more raffle tickets you earn. (Oct. 26)
Ghost Walk — Carson City’s spooky and intriguing history is explored and re-enacted on the guided tours of the Carson City Ghost Walk. (today)
Harvest Train — Take a ride on the steam train to visit the pumpkin patch at the Nevada Railroad Museum. (Oct. 21)
Turkey Trot — Jog before you feast. (Nov. 22)
Escape Room — Free the spirit hidden away in the Brewery Arts Center by solving the puzzle in the Haunted Brewery. Call (775) 883-1978 to reserve. (Through Nov. 11)
Blinky Man — Light up your bike, and the night, for this costumed after-dark ride. (Oct. 26)
Go to the calendar on VisitCarsonCity.com for more information.
Teri Vance is a journalist, freelance writer and native Nevadan. Contact her with column ideas at terivance@rocketmail.com.