City of Reno offering $2.5 million in small business assistance (Voices)

Aric A. Jensen

Aric A. Jensen

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RENO, Nev. — The city of Reno has received $23.3 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds from the state of Nevada, and has allocated $2.5 million specifically to assist small businesses that are economically distressed as a result of COVID-19.

To accomplish this, the city has divided the allocation into three subprograms:

Small Business Economic Assistance ($1.4 million)

Awards will be a maximum of $20,000 and must be associated with costs related to the pandemic, such as PPE purchases, business losses due to mandated closures or social distancing requirements, and safety measures or other expenses reasonably needed to maintain operations.

The program emphasizes small businesses that have had to close due to Governor Directives and Declarations; however, other businesses are eligible for lesser amounts.

A business must have an active city of Reno business license, be physically located in Reno, have 20 or less full-time equivalent employees, and be committed to upholding all of recommendations and/or comply with mandates for reopening from the state of Nevada and/or Washoe County Health District.

The application process opened Aug. 31 and closes on Sept. 8 unless extended. Applications are available at

Women- and Minority-Owned Business Economic Assistance ($1 million)

Details are not yet available, but in general, the program will incorporate outreach and assistance to small women- and minority-owned businesses.

The city is in the process of selecting a nonprofit agency to administer the program, and anticipates making an announcement prior to Sept. 10.

Artists and Musicians Economic Assistance ($100K)

City Council authorized a block grant of $100,000 to Sierra Arts Foundation. These funds will supplement their existing artist and musicians grant program, which offers small grants to independent artists and musicians, as well as other qualifying groups.

Additional information, including links to applications in Spanish and English, is on the city’s CARES Relief Fund program webpage at

Aric A. Jensen, AICP, is the city of Reno’s Grants and Fund Development Manager. Reach him for comment at


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