Past Pages for February 19 to 21, 2020

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150 years ago

Miss H.K. Clapp has a class of some thirty people from China who attend a night school at the Sierra Seminary each evening in the week. She and Miss Babcock and the more advanced their scholars teach these Celestials and find them very apt scholars. With commendable liberality Miss Clapp has undertaken this task without any pecuniary charge.

130 years ago

It was stated a few weeks ago that H.M. Yerington was on his way to Carson with large broad ax and when he reached this city he proposed to cut off the official heads of nearly everybody, to such an extent that a man who went in there would have to wear rubber boots to keep out of the gore. Nothing of the kind took place, however. The elements alone were to blame. The cost of clearing the track because of snow was about $30,000. The loss of business was not lost, but simply “hung up.”

100 years ago

Daniel G. Kitzmeyer, pioneer of the state and one of the oldest living residents of Carson, passed away at his home last night. At his passing, he was 76 years old and came to Carson in 1864.

80 years ago

Culinary worker’s union picketing of the F.W.Woolworth store today went into its third month in Reno and lived up to the letter of the supreme courts decision upholding peaceful picketing as constitutional, unionists said today.

60 years ago

Three “Boys in Blue,” Nevada state prison music group, appeared before the Monday meeting of Lions as a Trio. Warden Jack Fogliani was a special guest at the meeting.

40 years ago

A write-in presidential candidate has sued the Carson City School District for $100 billion, school district attorney Tom Eck informed a surprised school board Wednesday night. Eck said Larry Bryant Sergeant filed the hefty suit in federal court in Reno because he objected to a 1976 slave day held at Carson High School.


150 years ago

St. Patrick’s Ball. — The Irish citizens of Carson will give a ball on the evening of their Patron Saint’s Birthday at Moore & Parker’s Hall. The proceeds will be applied toward building a new Catholic Church in this place.

130 years ago

The snow continued to fall nearly all day yesterday, and attires came faster than it did at any time during the big storm of January. It has fallen over a foot and still snowing.

100 years ago

According to reports received in this city yesterday all the schools in Lyon county have been ordered closed by the authorities in order to lessen the chances for the spread of influenza. Nearly every town and hamlet in the county is affected by the epidemic.

80 years ago

Mr. Herbert Squires entertained Mr. and Mrs. August Berning Jr., and Mrs. Florence Doan Saturday evening with dinner at the Tavern in Reno. The occasion being the 17th wedding anniversary of the Bernings.

60 years ago

Participants in the Olympic Games at Squaw Valley have the unusual opportunity of using a good collection of library books sponsored by the Nevada state library in the recreation center at the Athlete’s village.

40 years ago

Nevada’s casinos won a record $2.1 billion form unlucky gamblers last year, a 14.7 increase, the state Gaming Control Board reported Thursday.


150 years ago

The Carson Mint still lives, notwithstanding all the carvings and innuendos of its enemies. That it will not be covered into “an assay office” or a foundry, or a smelting furnace, or a lime kiln.

130 years ago

The trains on the S.P. are once more in danger of a blockade, and yesterday the Virginia local was snowed in somewhere near the Mound House. It is very fortunate for Nevada that the big snow was followed by warm weather, which caused the snow to leave the valleys.

100 years ago

Mayor Gillson, after years of faithful service has resigned as city trustee and mayor of Greater Carson. The results of his labors are evident and he has reason to feel proud of what he has accomplished for the city.

80 years ago

Ping Pong has advanced to the intercity contest stage and six matches will be played between Carson City and Reno devotees of table tennis at the Elks’ Club, Reno. Carson players who are playing include Kerwin Foley, Tony Leone, “Bill” Smith, Bernard Hertung, Lee Cochran and Elmer Bawden.

60 years ago

Visitors at Stewart Indian school were plentiful Tuesday and ranged from German Olympic team members to tribal councils. The Germans passed through on a picture taking trip during the afternoon.

40 years ago

Western Shosone Indians say the Air Force is trying to steal the tribe’s sacred Nevada lands to build the MX missile system. A spokesman said the MX will destroy his tribe and will violate the trust Congress exercises over Indian peoples and their lands.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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