Past Pages for January 11 to 14, 2020

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150 Years Ago

Burglary: Lilienfield, a clothing store on Carson street, was entered by burglars who took a large amount of clothing and two cases of boots. No clue has been obtained…. It is very evident that our town is again infested with thieves.

140 Years Ago

Arrivals: The following passengers arrived per southern stage: A. Friend, H. R. Reinstein, M. Manson, F. W. Spenset, Thomas Marto, H. C. Wells.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The Mercury was down to 25 below zero in Carson and 35 degrees below zero in Empire.

Harris the barber in the Ormsby House block announces that he will cut hair for 25 cents.

Hint: Take a rag, dip it in alcohol and rub it on your windows. It will prevent frost from accumulating.

100 Years Ago

Program of interest: The Parents’ and Teachers’ association program. No admission fee. Program: Teachers’ salaries--W. N. Evans; Song--Miss Dorothy Mackay; Teachers’ salaries--W. P. Harrington; violin solo--Mrs. M. J. Burr; Illustrated lecture, “A Trip Through Nevada’s Mountain Park: From Mount Rose to Tahoe and Beyond”--Professor J. E. Church of the University of Nevada. Men are especially urged to be present.

To attend board meeting: Miss Clara Crisler left today to take part in the meeting of the board of directors of the Nevada Federation of Women’s clubs to be held at the Twentieth Century club rooms.

50 Years Ago

The 1970’s—what’s to come: Carson City could add 5,000 residents, the largest growth will be in Las Vegas, increases will come from skiing and tourism. Carson City will be a transit hub for Reno, Lake Tahoe and the Sierra ski areas. “I think Carson City’s orientation should be toward recreational facilities rather than industry,” according to Clark Russell, Nevada Department of Economic Development.

20 Years Ago

Teen abortions: Nevada is 7th in ten abortions. The 17th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion and will be the official 1990 start of a fierce Nevada battle. “This year is important for this issue in Nevada because women rights are under attack,” according to Mylan Hawkins, manager of a statewide pro-choice campaign.


150 Years Ago

Utah railroad: Brigham Young has completed his railroad from Ogden to Salt Lake City, 50 miles long. It was probably built at a less outlay of cash than any railroad in the world…

He has driven the last spike of the Utah Central Railroad and all the Saints gathered about and sang hallelujahs when he did it.

140 Years Ago

Kittrell’s trip to Bodie: In an attempt to reach Bodie General Kittrell had a rather hard time. His sleigh broke down, and the team ran. He wandered about twelve hours in the snow and finally reached a cabin. Had he not kept the air heated with profanity, he doubtless would have been frozen to death.

130 Years Ago

Social gossip—Santa Claus: One of the saddest moments of my childhood was when some kind friend informed me that there was no Santa Claus. I never forgave that person.

110 Years Ago

Two Reno girls elope: Two young girls of Reno have been missing from home for the past few days. It is claimed that they eloped with Professor Swain and his assistant who have had an act of trained alligators on at the Wigwam theater. It is understood that they have been located in San Francisco.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: New Year’s Day saw Washoe Lake frozen over with about three inches of ice, accounting for the fuzzy reflection of Slide Mountain in the background…

20 Years Ago

Teen dances: Friday night dances at the Civic Auditorium for teenagers, co-sponsored by the Carson Jaycees, have been breaking attendance records. Admission is $1.25 ,and dances are from 8 to 12 pm on Friday nights. Supervising dance operations is Recreation Specialist Kenneth Canavan who also hires bands.


150 Years Ago

Benzine: A shoemaker in Sacramento was injured by the explosion of a bottle of benzine. When he was washing the wax off his hands, the benzine exploded burning his whiskers. He ran into a Drug Store where the fire was put out.

140 Years Ago

Men only: A popular lecture on the “Evils of Overpopulation” will be given by J. J. Owens at the Carson Theater. The lecture will be for men only and will be worthy of the consideration of all thinkers. Admission free.

130 Years Ago

Presbyterian Church: Rev. Mr. Bird of Sacramento arrived in Carson. He is staying at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Helm. Mr. Bird has come to take charge of the Presbyterian Church and will deliver his first sermon on Monday. His wife is expected to follow him shortly, and It is hoped that they find Carson a pleasant home.

110 Years Ago

Nevada Saloon, Carson and Fourth: Brannon and Smith, the new proprietors, are making big arrangements to entertain their friends. Mr. Brannon has wired his brother in Kansas to forward him several possums, and he is already after the sweet potatoes. The new proprietors will have something to dish out to their friends that will have some class… (same location as Jack’s Bar)

50 Years Ago

Negotiations for purchase of the Carson Water Co. and portions of the state-owned Marlette Water System begin after Manager Henry Etchemendy authorized the start of negotiations.

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: Real saloon—The Silver Dollar Saloon, part of the western street at Ponderosa Ranch, Lake Tahoe, is a working bar in season, where tourists may sample potations served in tin cups.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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