Washoe County legal - 17954

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The undersigned will sell at Public sale by competitive bidding on Friday the 29th day of October, 2021 at 8:00 AM, with bidding to take place on lockerfox.com the following liened property. iStorage, 275 E Prater Way, Sparks, NV, 89431 William Dennis B204 tools, boxes, cabinet, totes, cart. Steven Mast D101 clothes, carpet, cord. Della Word D304 boxes, dog house, treestand, blanket, sheet,. Ezequiel Mayo E029 tires,cooler, file cabinet, stool, gas can,. Brent St.Clair B206 bike, boxes, bags, shelves, chairs, clothes. Alfredo Bermen-Vasquez A186 Boxes,Tire, File Cabinet, totes, computer, electronics. Cruz Wootten F024 piano, boxes, foam, totes. David Laughlin D080 table, boxes, stool, cabinet, light. Belinda Burke D354 boxes, chair, picture. Ronald Porter C225 chair, boxes, shelf, electronics. Scott A Ingersoll C234 table, boxes, shelf. Nicolas Mcfarland G156 couch, clothes, dresser, mattress, Purchases must be paid for at the time of sales in cash only. All purchased items are sold as is. 

Pub: October 20, 27, 2021. Ad#17954