Washoe County legal - 37343

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On or after THURSDAY OCTOBER 26, 2023 at 8:00AM, Cal-Nevada Towing (CPCN 7129) will

auction to the highest bidder(s) vehicles currently located at Cal-Nevada Towing at, 1408 Pittman

Ave, Sparks, NV, 89431 to satisfy a towing, repair or storage charge as provided in NRS 108.270-

108.300 at the address above. Online bids are also accepted through

“cal-nevadatowing.hibid.com” or by phone. Cal-Nevada Towing reserves the right to bid or refuse

any bids.

Some of the vehicles are listed below:

2007 DODGE - 1B3HE78K87D322103 R/O, L/O - Kathy Sue Bain

2002 FORD - 1FMPU16L72LA63118 R/O, L/O - Anna Calla Chandler/Dryden Robert Reid

1999 FORD - 1FMDU35P6XUB33860 R/O, L/O - John J Fontana 3

Pub Date: October 4, 11, 18, 2023 Ad # 37343


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