Emergency Food & Shelter Program
Funds Available
Federal funds made available through the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security’s Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
have been awarded to jurisdictions in the state
of Nevada for the Emergency Food & Shelter
Program (EFSP) for Phase 42. An award has
been made to the following:
Washoe County has been preliminarily
awarded $207,909
Initial funding decisions were made by a
National Board that is chaired by FEMA and
consists of representatives from American
Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA;
The Jewish Federations of North America; The
Salvation Army; and United Way Worldwide.
The National Board was charged to distribute
$117 million appropriated by the U.S.
Congress in FY24 to help expand the capacity
of food, shelter, and rent/utilities assistance
programs in high-need areas around the
country. The EFSP was created in 1983 to
supplement and expand the work of local
social service agencies, both nonprofit and
governmental, in an effort to help people with
economic (not disaster-related, i.e. fire, floods,
tornadoes, etc.) emergencies. A Local Board
of volunteers will determine how the funds
are to be distributed among the emergency
food and shelter programs run by local
service agencies in the area. The program
is administered locally by United Way of
Northern Nevada and the Sierra (UWNNS).
Under the terms of the grant from the National
Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds
1) be a private voluntary nonprofit, a faithbased
organization, or a governmental
organization; 2) be eligible to receive Federal
Funds; 3) have an accounting system and be
prepared to submit required documentation;
4) practice nondiscrimination; 5) have
demonstrated the capability to deliver
emergency food and/or shelter programs
through an existing program; and 6) if they
are a private voluntary organization, have a
voluntary board.
Past EFSP participation is not a requirement.
Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. Eligible
agencies serving Washoe County can access
the application and instructions online at
uwnns.org/EFSP beginning January 24, 2025.
For technical assistance, contact UWNNS
at efsp@uwnns.org or (775) 322-8668. All
applications must be received by 1:00 p.m.
on Monday, March 10, 2025. INCOMPLETE,
Pub Date: February 5, 2025 Ad # 49862