On or after JANUARY 30, 2025, at 8:00AM, Milne Towing Services (CPCN 8003) will auction
to the highest bidder(s) vehicles currently in storage at Milne Towing Services at 1700 Marietta
Way, Sparks, NV, 89431 to satisfy a towing, repair or storage charge as provided in NRS 108.270-
108.300 at the address above. Online bids are also accepted through “https://milnetowing.hibid.
com” or by phone. Milne Towing Services reserves the right to bid or refuse any bids.
Some of the vehicles are listed below:
2005 HYUNDAI - KMHCG45C45U646818 R/O, L/O - Sarah Hope Ayala
2009 MERCEDES-BENZ - 4JGBF71EX9A441163 R/O, L/O - Alfonso Galas JR
2008 FORD - 1FAHP35N18W187932 R/O,
L/O - Jaeden Nicole Wooldridge/ Ryan Thomas Wooldridge
2009 PONTIAC - 1G2ZH57N994171709 R/O, L/O - Gregg Nathan Rosenberg
2022 CHEVROLET - KL8CB6SA3NC022007 R/O, L/O - Barbara Ann Berry
1996 FORD - 1FMDU35P0TUC46150 R/O, L/O - Angel Dylan Sandoval/ Jose Gomezsoria
1997 HONDA - 1HGCD563XVA079406 R/O, L/O - Kimberly Olivas Torres
2013 NISSAN - JN8AS5MVXDW119120 R/O,
L/O - Baltazar Delariva-Medina/ Martha Alicia Delariva
2003 CHEVROLET- 1GNEC13T33R309008 R/O, L/O - State Farm Mutual Auto Ins CO
1996 PLYMOUTH - 1P4GP44R0TB196441 R/O, L/O - Cristina Mata
2012 FORD - 1FMHK7D85CGA84216 R/O, L/O - Danis Mauricio Salazar-Alarcon
2012 GMC - 2GKFLTEK9C6394059 R/O, L/O - Michael Alan Davidson
Pub Date: January 8, 15, 22, 2025 Ad # 49094