Letter: Columnist shows 'fuzzy' logic again

The overwhelming "fuzzy" logic of Bob Thomas never ceases to amaze. On Sept. 21, Mr. Thomas said, "Of course, I don't really believe Nevada needs a state school board, but if we must have one, then Dave Cook ... is worthy of our support." So if I understand him, since we don't need a state school board we may as well reelect someone who has been ineffective rather than someone who may be too effective.

Mr. Thomas' newest "fuzzy thinking" is shown by looking at his article Oct. 5. He informs that the "the teachers' union is the main reason no genuine reforms have been adopted because the union wants the status quo and taken great financial care" of those elected officials it supports financially. He uses this logic to get us to not vote for Bonnie Parnell.

Does Mr. Thomas not know that Dave Cook, a Republican, has been endorsed in the last election and financially supported by the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA, aka "The teachers' union")? Does he not know that Mr. Cook has, once again, been endorsed and will be "financially cared for" by NSEA?

Wake up, Mr. Thomas and voters. There is another choice. Barbara Myers, who is also a Republican, and although she is a paying member of NSEA, she told NSEA that she was not seeking their endorsement or support because she didn't want to be "financially cared for" by NSEA and did not want to support NSEA's positions on educational issues in Nevada if they don't lead to meaningful reforms.

It is time to elect someone who is not collecting any funds, is not seeking any endorsements, but has spent her entire adult life working for children in public education as a parent, teacher and local school board member. And most importantly, has a track record of being effective, not ineffective.

How do I know so much about Barbara Myers? She is my mother. She gave countless hours to public education while my brother and I attended school including serving three elected terms as a member of the local board of education where we lived.

I am expecting her first grandchild in February here in Northern Nevada. She wants to ensure that the next generation of students has every opportunity to be successful. She will work tirelessly and not be influenced by special interests or cared for by their financial backing.

I encourage you to vote for Barbara Myers for State Board of Education on Nov. 7.




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