Letter: Golf-course decisions based on best interest

I received a call the other day and was asked, "Who is Lonnie Phelps?" I said, "That's Gene Phelps. He is retired from NDOT and he is a friend of mine. I've known him for years." I was told to check Sunday's paper and read what my "so-called" friend had to say about me and the golf course. I did, and this is my reply.

First, it was members of the Golf Advisory Committee that went east to see, firsthand, the courses and the operations under a local non-profit corporation. This was after several presentations to the Board of Supervisors that illustrated the success that other municipalities experienced under this structure.

We held public meeting after public meeting before the board reached a consensus. Our goal then, and I assume is today, was to implement the most efficient structure to insure the courses economical viability (without taxpayer support) and at the same time, keep the rates affordable for our local golfers.

His premise that there is a plot to drive business away from EVGC is ridiculous. I know this may be hard for him to understand, coming from the public sector, but when you have an overabundance of golf courses and a limited number of both local and tournament golfers, the courses vie for their business. It's call competition.

Ahh, the hay barn - that architectural marvel at Mills Park. OK, pal, let's go there. For seven months of the year, over 400 adults and youths play roller hockey in the Pavilion and they spend more in fees and equipment than he does for his annual pass at EVGC.

Then there's the summer when hundreds of kids use the Pavilion and their parents spend more money on their kids' fees than he does for his golf pass. But the hell with them, let's subsidize EVGC.

Then we finally get to the crux of this BS, and that is the possible fee increases. The real question that should be asked to the citizens of Carson City is, "Should we use taxpayer's money to subsidize the Lonnie G. Phelpses of this community for their recreation?" Talk about a "snowball's chance in hell!

I want to compliment the non-profit board and the people of EVGC. Their task has been difficult and will remain so for quite a while. Whatever their decision is on fees, I know it will be in the best interests of all concerned. I only have one suggestion to them. Whatever fees are established, that they add a 10 percent surcharge to all those who whine and snivel!


Carson City


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