Letter: Liberals are whining about Republicans

Liberals are running scared! You know our side is winning when liberals come out of the woodwork to whine and cast stones at Republicans who are running for or supporting those who are running for office.

In typical liberal fashion, their letters are attacking the messenger rather than the message. The recent examples I've noticed have focused on attacks on George W. Bush, Bob Thomas, Nannette Moffett and Jeanne Simons. Have you noticed that government or public school employees are writing most of these anti-Republican letters?

Wouldn't it be great if all government bureaucrats would be required to spend time in the private sector so that they could get a taste of the real world? They would soon learn that competition is the "mother's milk" of the free enterprise system. I admire and respect anyone who chooses public service as a career. Too often, however, we have public officials who claim to have 20 years of experience when in reality they have one year of experience 20 times.

In a letter written on Oct. 22, the wife of a former Nevada Democrat senator wrote a mean-spirited letter blasting Bush. She accused him of lacking the knowledge and mental fortitude to be president. If she had done her homework, she would know that G.W. received better grades at Yale than Vice Perpetrator Al Gore received at Harvard. Perhaps she was grading her guy on the big wet kiss he planted on Tripper at the Democratic convention - a well orchestrated effort to woo women voters.

How many more times do I have to listen to the liberals play the class warfare card and blame the top 1 percent for the problem? The reason our economy is doing so well is because of people like Bill Gates, not the government. Bill Gates has created more wealth and productive jobs than the government, and they resent him for it.

If economic success is going to be attributed to government, then it's probably because the Republicans have been in control of Congress for the first time in 40 years. That's the reason for welfare reform, a balanced budget, a lower capital gains tax, etc. It's in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Let's all be the best we can be and not blame others for our shortcomings!


Carson City


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