Letter: More kids should play basketball

I have a son who loves basketball. He's not the best or worst in playing the game and has tried out both years at Eagle Valley Middle School and not been picked. I have seen the hurt and disappointment of not being able to play the sport he loves.

My question is if someone wants to play and be a part of a team, why are we not allowing all children with the same dreams to participate in school activities? Why does the school only pick the best to play sports?

Is it because of the competition against the other schools that only the best can play, so a plaque can be won in honor of the school and hung on the wall? Does it have anything to do with teaching the kids the sport and doing the bets you can with kids who want to play?

You might argue we only have so many positions and not all can make it. Well, this should be changed to where every child gets to play no matter how many teams are needed. This is a school, not a paid professional basketball team. How can the school deny its students the right to play a sport they love? There should be room for all of them.

I am told the "best" way to keep kids off drugs is to get them involved in sports and keep them active. I have a child wanting desperately to play basketball on a school team who is denied the chance by the school. This doesn't make sense to me. How do I go about encouraging and supporting sports when he's told no you're not good enough to play on this team.

There's room for everyone in wrestling and track, but not basketball. Why? I think the school(s) need to change their philosophy and let kids play sports, whichever one they choose.


Carson City


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