Letter: Tom Tatro for mayor of Carson City

I am writing this letter in support of Tom Tatro for mayor of Carson City. Concern has been expressed by some Carson City residents regarding Tom Tatro's ability to serve as mayor due to his position of employment with the State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.

I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve as Carson City's utilities director during Tom Tatro's nine-year term on the Carson City Board of Supervisors. If you were a resident in Carson City during that nine-year period, you can remember the wide spectrum of issues that Tom Tatro was involved and successful in during his term on the board of supervisors; issues such as downtown redevelopment, city financial solvency, quality of life initiative, public safety complex, growth management, and of course the issue I hold near and dear, protection and sustainability of Carson City's natural resources.

During Tom Tatro's term on the board of supervisors, Carson City's ability to protect and utilize their water resources evolved from the state engineer refusing to sign subdivision maps, since Carson City could not demonstrate a future water supply, to becoming a leader in water management practices that will sustain our community into the future.

When taking difficult issues to the board, I could always depend on Tom Tatro to do his homework prior to the board meeting. I knew that Tom Tatro would have done the required work up front to have a foundation of understanding on the issue. His questions would be direct, well informed and he would vote what was best for the community and not the elected few.

Does this mean that Tom Tatro always voted my way? Absolutely not, but he did provide me with direction, and there was never any question on how he believed I should handle an issue. He would make a decision and lead. Tom Tatro handled all these issues while having two other full-time positions; one for the State of Nevada and one as the father of two boys. As Carson City's utility director, I never doubted that Tom Tatro had the time commitment needed.

I am currently on the private side of the water business. I find myself in front of boards and commissions throughout Southwest, dealing with difficult issues and projects. I cannot express how many times I have walked out of a hearing frustrated that the board needed to understand the issue in more depth and exhibit more leadership. I have never experienced those concerns regarding Tom Tatro.

I have chosen Carson City as the place I want to raise my family. I love this community, and I am concerned about its direction. Therefore, I will be voting for Tom Tatro for Mayor, and I am asking you to do the same. He will take the time to lead this community.


Carson City


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