Mammogram van to serve Hispanic women

By now it is common knowledge that women should have regular pap smears, breast exams and, as they get older, mammograms.

However, for those who do not speak English, the task may be daunting.

In order to ease that burden, the Women's Health Connection together with the Mammovan of Nevada will offer free mammograms, pap tests and breast exams to eligible women 40 and older.

"Sometimes for people who may not speak English, the language can be a barrier for them," said Susan White, public health adviser for the Women's Health Connection. "We're trying to reduce barriers and provide more access."

Raquel Knecht, director of Nevada Hispanic Services in Carson City, said she is concerned that Hispanic women are not getting tested regularly.

"It's not that they don't care," she said. "It's just that sometimes they don't realize the importance of this kind of exam. We feel there is a need among Hispanic women that generally don't have breast exams."

White said the sooner it is detected, the greater the chance of survival.

"Early detection can save lives," she said. "If you get a pap test early, we can actually prevent cervical cancer."

The Mammovan is a traveling mammography clinic that travels throughout the state with a clinician on staff.

Knecht said the service will work with the individual financial needs of the women.

"If they can't afford to go to a regular doctor, they can get these services either free or at a price they can afford," she said.

White said women over 40 should receive a mammogram every one to two years and women over 50 should receive one every year.

If you go:

What: Mammogram van

Where: In the parking lot across the street from Nevada Hispanic Services at 637 S. Stewart St.

When: Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To make an appointment call Norma Meza at 684-5931 or Susan White at 684-5957


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