sam, k

Geoff Dornan

Voter registration totals increased by nearly 20,000 in Nevada at the end of November even though the Nov. 7 election was past.

Totals for the general elections showed Nevada Republicans with an edge of less than 1,000 votes out of a total of 878,970 registered as of the election cutoff.

That rose to 898,347 total registered by the end of November. And the GOP had pulled out to a 1,307 voter advantage.

Altogether, at November's end Republicans showed a total registration of 374,196 compared to 372,889 Democrats.

That means the "non-partisan" vote - the 125,564 who registered but indicated no party preference - is still the swing vote in Nevada.

While the totals for the two major parties are extremely close statewide, most individual counties are strongly dominated by one or the other.

Clark County is the Democratic stronghold with 252,726 registered compared to 215,970 Republicans. But after that, only Lincoln, Mineral and White Pine counties have more Democrats than Republicans.

The remaining 13 Nevada counties are all Republican dominated. Eureka County is the most lopsided with more than two voters in the GOP column for every Democrat. But it's also one of the smallest with just 869 voters.

Eureka is followed by Douglas and Elko counties which both fall just short of 2:1 Republican. Douglas has 15,754 with the GOP and 8,048 Democrats. Elko listed 8,128 Republicans to 4,226 Democrats.

Carson City and Washoe County are also solidly in the Republican camp - Washoe reporting 83,859 to 68,884 and Carson City 13,251 to 9,284. And Lyon County reports 8,371 Republicans to 6,073 Democrats as of Nov. 30.

The figures released by the secretary of state's office Wednesday show Esmeralda with the smallest number of registered voters - 857.


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