Any violence at home hurts kids

Every year millions of children witness violence in their homes. Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive control that one person uses in intimate relationships in order to control another individual. Domestic violence includes emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Witnessing such abuse between family members affects children in many ways.

An abusive home means living in constant fear. Children fear that the abuser, whose anger is out of control, will turn on them next. Children are also afraid what will happen to them if their mother is hurt or their father is taken to jail.

In a national survey of over 6,000 American families, 50 percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children. Child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence is present.

Teens and children who witness violence are:

- 50 percent more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.

- 25 percent more likely to commit sexual assault.

- 6 percent more likely to commit suicide.

- 60 percent of runaways were physically or sexually abused by their parents.

- The most common factor of pregnant teens is that they grew up in a violent home.

A battering home teaches violence as an effective means of gaining control over others. Some children learn to solve problems and respond to conflict by using force and coercion. Boys learn to lash out or bully others. Girls learn how to accept and expect abuse. Boys and girls may display emotional and behavioral disturbances as diverse as withdrawal, low self-esteem, nightmares, self-blame and aggression against peers, family members and property.

Children who grow up in violent homes can become the next generation of victims of violence or perpetrators of violence.

April is child abuse prevention month. What can you do? Wear your blue ribbon!

- Become informed and know the facts. Raise community awareness by informing others about domestic violence.

- Know the dangers of battering and where to seek help in your community., Share your time and resources with your local domestic violence program.

- Teach children that violence is not an acceptable way to handle conflicts and problems.

- Hold batterers accountable for their violence. Let them know that the community condemns this behavior.

For more information, contact the Family Support Council domestic violence/sexual assault caseworkers at 782-8692.


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