Carson in need of blood donors

Because of a shortage in donors, Carson City is in need of blood.

Nyla Emerson, spokeswoman for United Blood Services, said illness is cutting donations of O- and A- blood types.

"I was at Douglas High today and Carson High last week, and the donations are so bad in two high schools that we did 50 percent of what we expected," she said.

Donations made at the high schools make up a large percentage of the spring blood supply. Without these donations, the blood supply could be seriously jeopardized.

"Carson City typically will take care of Carson City, but right now we're not doing it. If this gets any more serious, we will be flying blood in," she said.

She said surrounding areas are having trouble adding to the blood supply.

As it is the other areas can't take care of themselves either.

United Services is on a blood alert, which means that certain blood supplies are seriously low. Currently, United Blood Services is experiencing extreme shortages in blood types O-, A-, AB- and B-.

All blood types are always needed at any time.


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