Letter: thanks to Post Office

The Nevada Appeal has recently printed several complaints by citizens regarding the plastic bags. I agree that they are a "pain," but I console myself with this thought,"This too shall pass." Our fair city has the great distinction of being chosen as the "test site" for new ideas from time to time, and I am quite sure that the carriers are as anxious for this "test" to end as we are.

Our local post office receives a lot of flack and some of it is well-deserved. However, in their defense, I must express my thanks to some terrific, hard-working people behind the scenes at the post office who just do their jobs well every day.

My husband and I own a mail business in Carson City, and just before the holidays, he had major heart surgery. It became my job to pick up our mail in the morning at the back dock of the post office on Washington Street. This happened at the busiest and most hectic time of the year, but thanks to Carol, who works the dock, and our carrier, Kevin, and several other caring people, our mail was ready and waiting on a hand truck every morning.

It had to be a team effort by many kind and concerned people, and to them, my husband I will be eternally grateful. It certainly helped us at a most stressful time in our lives.

I just wanted to point out a few positives in relation to some of the negatives that we hear about much more frequently.


Carson City


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