Western Nevada earns honor for helping OARC

Western Nevada Community College is being honored as Employer of the Year by the Ormsby Association for Retarded Citizens.

The recognition will be made at a holiday dinner Thursday evening at the Carson City Nugget for employers, association clients and staff.

Association Vocational Programs coordinator Rhonda Clevenger said WNCC hired five association clients on a part-time basis in February to do cleaning, window washing and help with the college's general appearance.

Since that time, the workers' hours and tasks have been increased. During the summer, the five-person crew works outside, landscaping, weeding and planting flowers. During the winter, they are do indoor duty, including cleaning, staining furniture, helping set up tables for special events and cleaning up.

"Most of us take working for granted, but for those with disabilities work gives enormous meaning to their lives and makes them feel especially needed and appreciated," Clevenger said.

"I can tell the workers enjoy their jobs because they are eager to work and appreciate being recognized for their efforts. Integration into society is the goal for OARC and it gives the workers a lift to be treated as others."

Anne Hansen, director of information and marketing at WNCC, said, "The OARC staffers are great people and we love having them as part of the college."


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