Your two cents: gun range

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I'm voting on the Carson High School range. I believe the gun club should be allowed to use it. They're trained, they're expert and they're insured. They're not just random outsiders.

David, Carson City

Leave the range at the high school for outsiders.

Mario, Carson City

I think the school board needs to be thinking about a less politically correct solution to this minor problem. I think the people and groups that meet the criteria ought to be allowed to do what they've always done. This is another foolish political example of people with their heads in the sand.

Bob, Yerington

I'd like to see the shooting range stay open to the public.


Yes, I think they ought to be using the shooting range that can contain mild bullets. I ride in the Johnson Lane area (horses), and I keep coming across different shooters out there that have the lack of care of anybody else.

David, Johnson Lane

Even though Superintendent Parry believes schools are his private domain they still are public buildings and maybe these "outside interests" could help defray some of the costs with their use of some of these public buildings.

Larry, Carson City

I believe all the outsiders that are qualified should be allowed to use the Carson High shooting range.

George, Carson City

Absolutely not.

Emily, Carson City

I think outsiders should be allowed to use the high school shooting range.

Glen, Carson City

As long as the gun club pays their own insurance and doesn't interfere with day use of the high school range, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to continue to use the facility, especially since they helped to pay for it. I believe they provide a valuable public service, especially in teaching our youth gun safety and responsibility. It would be a sad thing to see this thing go away.

William, Gardnerville

I am appalled to find out after five years of having children in the high school there is a shooting range at all. No guns on campus means no guns on campus. Take the ROTC to the shooting range out by the dump or to another facility, not in our high school.

Mary, Carson City

No, they should not be. The last thing we need in this town is to have anyone bringing a gun to a high school.

Lauren, Carson City

I agree with Superintendent Parry that the range for the high school should be used just for what it was originally intended and should be restricted to not allow the clubs in town to use it. I think the Carson Rifle and Pistol Club ... don't they have a range of their own?

Mary, Carson City

I definitely think outsiders should be allowed to use that range, and I understand there is talk of closing it which I think is very ill advised, and I think anyone should be able to use it if they're 18 and they're supervised by an adult or if they're affiliated with some shooting club or other organized group.

Allen, Gardnerville

I think outside groups should be allowed to use that.

Al, Carson City

I'm absolutely 100 percent for allowing outsiders to use the school pistol range or rifle range. I've been around guns all my life, I've never seen a bad thing in my life and I've saved our lives three times by merely having possession of a gun. So don't allow others to talk you into not leaving it available for outsiders.

Richard, Carson City

I'm the father of the daughter quoted in the article on the shooting range. Though I'm necessarily biased, I'm definitely in favor of letting these girls in the 4-H club and everything continue to shoot on this range. It's the only place they can really have a controlled environment.

Robert, Gardnerville


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