Orange does not mix with green and red

Orange is not typically the color for Christmas. We generally find ourselves swathed in it during Halloween when we welcome the appearances of all the ghosts and ghouls.

Nevertheless, as we celebrate Christmas 2003, we do so in the orange and under threat from a number of faceless ghouls who march under the flag of al-Qaida and terrorism.

The color, out of place for the holiday, reminds us we and our homeland security forces have been placed on "high" alert. The alert comes because of a people whose belief system varies so far from our own that they feel a righteous desire to eliminate us.

According to an Associated Press story, the change to the orange high alert means, among other things, we will see an increase in the number of air marshals, particularly on flights arriving from overseas, undercover surveillance around airports and more frequent air patrols near major cities.

There are some concerns about missiles being fired at planes taking off or landing. There are also concerns for major population centers, major events, bridges, dams, nuclear and chemical plants, and places close to home like Las Vegas.

Orange is not a color we want in our holiday pallet, not a place we really want to be mentally as we celebrate the season of peace. Officials say it may be our celebration causing the timing of the threats.

Like the shepherds who watched on that night so long ago as the star in the East began to tell the tale of a savior, we, too, must be ever vigilant for the odd bit of information that could foretell disaster.


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