Get ready to celebrate Nevada Day

BOOOOO! It's the Nevada Day and Halloween weekend coming up with a wealth of festivities going on ... the parade on Saturday, in which two self-described utterly charming ladies (us ... bashful? Ha!) will ride, tiaras and all ... and "trick or treat" on Sunday ... no rotten tomatoes, please, on either occasion ...

We also have a Halloween story for all of you ... "True bravery is arriving home late after a boy's night out, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and still having the guts to ask, 'Are you cleaning, or were you flying somewhere?'" Now that's scary ...

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One of us (take your best shot) was watching TV the other night and thought her stomach was rumbling ... not so ... a frog under the house was "ribbiting" and sounded like tummy-gurgles ... how unladylike (well ... so much for the first paragraph) ...

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We love Madeline Brooks and her friends ... they think we're a "breath of fresh air" and like the tidbits about local people and happenings (see, Frank ... we're not just "fluff") ... just remember ... it takes all kinds ... sort of like a comment by Dave Barry, "Ever notice that the people who want to tell you their opinions, never want to hear yours?"

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Kathy and Susan at Dana Borda's Automotive wanted to make sure we told Dana "Happy Birthday" ... geez, Dana, we never guessed you were that old ...

And also a Happy belated Birthday to Merrill Simon ... he and his wife, Roberta, just finalized the adoption of their 13th and 14th children this month ... what remarkable people ... thank you ...

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And speaking of nice people ... Maizie wants to thank Jack Howell for walking her to her car after "Carousel" rehearsal the other night ... it proves that for real gentlemen, chivalry is not dead ...

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Food for thought ... since when have all Democrats become "liberal?" Quite frankly, a lot of us are conservative. And the same bias can be held with Republicans ... they can be liberal as well ... so watch who you tar with that brush ...

We had lunch a while back with the very nice Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas ... anyone who can put up with us at lunch deserves to be elected ... and remember to vote next Tuesday, if you haven't already done so ... or you have no right to complain ...

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John Bibee, of Bibee and Associates, asked us to be "celebrity judges" (snicker, snicker) yesterday for their annual "Pumpkin Decorating Contest" ... unfortunately, this went to print before we decided on the winners ... but, do we know how to have fun, or what? He remembered when Maizie used to be the witch in the Kiwanis haunted houses (no comments from the peanut gallery), and thought we would be perfect ... we were honored ... so there ...

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Guy Rocha (we love him), corrected us on Sarah Winnemucca ... she will be the second Native American woman so honored in Statuary Hall (apparently there are seven other women in there) ... and the name of the agency where the statue is being worked on is the Nevada State Library and Archives (we misplaced the Archives the last time) ... thank you and "mea culpa" ...

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It's football season ... so for football fans ... "A guy takes his blonde (yeah, we know it's not PC) girlfriend to her first football game. After the game he asked how she liked it. "Oh, I did ... especially the tight pants and all the big muscles ... but I couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents."

Dumfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, I saw them flip a coin, and one team got it, then the rest of the game, they were screaming, 'Get the quarter back, get the quarter back'. Helloooo ... it's only 25 cents." Hummmm ...

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Things that go bump in the night ... we know someone who, while sleeping, passed some gas ... apparently it sounded like knocking, because they got up and answered the door at 3 o'clock in the morning. Gee, no one was there, and they didn't realize what happened until they laid back down and heard it again ... Beano, anyone? (The name will be given out only when you deposit $1 million in an offshore account for us.)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write to them at


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