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Carson City

New guide tells how to protect homes from wildfire threat

A new handout for homeowners, advising them on how to better protect their homes from the threat of wildfire is available from the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

The 16-page publication, "Living With Fire - A Guide for the Homeowner," provides tips developed by Nevada's firefighting experts and is available free of charge at county cooperative extension offices and from most fire departments. Funding for this publication was provided by a National Fire Plan grant from the Nevada Division of Forestry and USDA Forest Service.

The publication provides advice to homeowners according to four "zones" on or near their properties:

The access zone, which provides suggestions that will help firefighters find and gain access to a home, such as having readable street and address signs;

The defensible space zone, which includes recommendations for what types of vegetation should and shouldn't be around a home;

The built zone, which suggests materials and methods for the home's construction; and,

The interior zone, which offers fire-safe tips for protecting inside the home.

To download a copy of the publication or for additional information, go to Or, contact Ed Smith, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, (775) 782-9960 or e-mail

Street Tree program accepting applications

The Carson City Parks and Recreation Department and the Carson City Shade Tree Council are accepting applications for the fall 2005 planting of the Street Tree Program in Carson City.

This program was introduced in 2001 to promote and enhance the urban forest of our community. A property owner can apply to have a tree(s) planted within the designated city right-of-way. If the application is approved, the city will work with the property owner and pay a contractor to deliver and plant. The property owner pays for the tree(s) and maintains the tree(s) following planting. This program is funded by the Quality of Life Tax Initiative.

Applications can be obtained by calling 887-2262. For information regarding the program, call Scott Fahrenbruch, Director of Operations, 887-2115, ext. 1003. The deadline for the planting is Sept. 17.

Fuels treatment planned for N. Carson

The Bureau of Land Management, Carson City Fire Department, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and local landowners are sponsoring a public meeting from 7-8 p.m. Thursday at the BLM-Carson City Field Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Road.

The meeting is to discuss a proposed fuels treatment project on BLM-administered and private lands adjacent to the north side of Carson City and outline the formation of a local chapter of the Nevada Fire Safe Council. The public is invited.

This effort is part of a nationwide initiative to protect communities that are considered a high risk from wildfire.

For questions, contact either Carson City Assistant Fire Chief Bruce Van Cleemput, 887-2210 ext. 1002, e-mail; BLM Fuel Specialist Tim Roide, 885-6185, e-mail, BLM Fire Ecologist Mike McQueen, 885-6120, e-mail or Fire Mitigation/Education Specialist Steve Edgar, 885-6197, e-mail


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