Letters to the editor Jan. 4

Progress section was uplifting look at city

I have just finished reading the Progress section of Thursday's Nevada Appeal. I am so impressed with this publication - so many wonderful reports of what's going on in the various sectors of Carson City.

I found it truly uplifting and it gave me a very confident outlook for what we can expect 2011 to bring.

Carson City is a wonderful city to be living in. We have much to be thankful for and to look forward to.

Frieda Ford

Carson City

Will new governor get permit for pets?

I like our new governor, and I'm glad he's an animal person. Will Gov. Sandoval be getting a kennel license for having four dogs?

Carson City Municipal Code, Section V, 7.3.100 Animal Service Tags, permits and fees states, "No person shall keep more than three canine animals over six months of age or three feline animals over six months of age, at any place, or on any premises, or in any one residence without first obtaining a permit from the animal services director."

In most Nevada counties, three dogs is the limit. I hope our new governor doesn't feel he should be exempt from this.

Wendy Francis


Get government fat cats off the public dole

Why do we let the government steal money out of our retirement to pay bills? They have no right to it. They have not paid it back, but pay off Wall Street and car companies.

Congress' retirement is too much, and they get insurance for the rest of their lives. They would only have two terms and get out, and not take any other government jobs.

They say they work for us - what a joke. We all know we work for them so they can have all they want. They should ask us if they can have a pay hike.

Also, stop paying for security for ex-presidents and their families. They don't need security. Government just wants to spend money.

David Cramblett


Child support division needs to improve service

This is a rant about the child support services in Carson City. It is amazing that we have so many deadbeat fathers out there that are not aiding in there financial responsibilities. We have so many people working the system to include welfare, unemployment, etc., we have got fathers out there who only want to see their kids and not have any financial duty.

For example, my friend has a daughter whose father isn't making child support payments, but gets to see his daughter every other weekend. When she contacts child support services to check the status and to let them know he is working full time, their response is, "Just be happy with the minimum payment," which is $100 a month.

Then she explains that she hasn't gotten anything in quite some time and the response is, "There is nothing I can do."

The child support division just doesn't follow up on anything, and it allows those so-called fathers to get away with it. Whether they are short-staffed or not, they need to do their job. That is what is expected from these mothers who need help.

I myself have a daughter who I found out about when she was 12. I barely get by, but I still meet my financial obligation of being a father. I just feel that this is one division that needs to be addressed.

Jason Caughron


Ideas for making Carson a better place to live

Carson City has developed more into a well-rounded city throughout the years; however, it can still be improved to make it a better place to live. There are many ways to achieve this, but two that come to mind are adding more outdoor activities like hiking trails, as well as increasing productivity throughout Carson. With these enhancements, the town would have more options to be healthier and have a better economy.

Outdoor activities are beneficial for both the environment and for the person or group participating in them. Dedicated outdoor recreation space saves land from being destroyed and used for parking lots or buildings. Also, outdoor activities are predominately physical, so they will help one become healthy and/or maintain one's health. Furthermore, outdoor activities can be rewarding mentally and emotionally because of the peace and relaxation nature brings to an individual.

Another way to improve Carson is through more productivity, which can be defined as the measure of how efficiently work is delivered. In other words, it's the effectiveness of getting things done. With the increase of productivity, the projects Carson sets out to do will be completed more efficiently and in a timely manner. It will also benefit business services, thus making customers of Carson happier.

These two improvements will help to make Carson City an even better place to live.

Jessica Roberts

Carson City


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