Letters to the Editor for Thursday, March 28

Carson High administrators, don’t back down on uniforms

This is in regards to all the hoopla about uniforms at the high school level. Administrators: get a backbone! It is as simple as putting an absentee on the violator’s name, and then having their parents come pick them up from school.

You stress a safety issue with this problem. If you can’t enforce a simple uniform code along with your full-time cop, then how can you deal with major safety issues like drugs, smoking and gangs?

After a few absentees from these violators, then call Social Services and let them deal with the unfit parent. Until you do something extreme like that, you will have these kids and parents just spitting in your face. The problem is not just a uniform, but the lack of respect on the buses, halls, sporting events, and the apathy that comes from you the principal.

Stan Heinrichs

Carson City

Blessed Mary imbued with virtues given for salvation

A letter to the editor on March 9 from Rosalee Barnwell Hinton objects to Bob Thomas’ editorial regarding Blessed Mary’s role as glorious intercessor for mankind. From scripture and the early and constant tradition of the Saints, we have honored Blessed Mary, Mother of God.

Archangel Gabriel’s greeting to her proclaims, “Hail, full of grace.” She, as a most pure creature born without sin, was superior in sanctity to all creatures and inferior only to God. So full of grace is our Mary that this grace overflows onto all mankind, to you and me.

She is Mother wherever He is Savior. The Mother of God continues in Heaven her maternal role on behalf of all members of Christ, constantly directing our gaze to her Son: “Do whatever He tells you.” She desires only the Lord’s will.

Saints from the earliest of times proclaimed her a great and powerful intercessor invoking, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us!” Our Lord could not have created anything more beautiful or wonderful than this Mother of God, our Protectress. She is dearer to the heart of God than any creature in God’s kingdom.

In 325 AD at the Council of Nicea, the role of Mary was beautifully defined. From this time forward the saints extolled her, see Ephrem the Syrian.

Blessed Mary is imbued with all virtues given for the salvation of souls; her primary concern. Jesus will refuse His mother nothing! So She eagerly gives the world her divine assistance if we only ask her.

Shirley Bierman

Carson City


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