Past Pages for Sunday, May 18, 2014

140 Years Ago

The Episcopal parsonage outhouse has been reconstructed. Our hardworking fellow editor, Rev. Allen, is grubbing around among the cinders and embers of the burnt district looking as dirty as a worldling. He described in a strong and significant manner the actions of the suspected parties. We reminded him that we were out of town at the time of the fire, and moved on ...

130 Years Ago

A preacher in Omaha has come up with the diabolical practice of Sunday night courting. It keeps away worthy young ladies from attending church and keeps an equal number of young men away from the sanctuary. If the preacher was at all long sighted, he would realize that the church gets the benefit of the Sunday night courting because when the couple gets married, there is a $20 fee to the parson ...

110 Years Ago

Specimens from claims located at Freiburg, Nevada, are attracting a great deal of attention. Samples are gold, silver lead and copper, and the metallic contents of some of them are startling ... 60 miles west of Pioche.

70 Years Ago

Ken Johnson is being favored by a local group at the Ormsby County Republication Convention. They voted to present a resolution to the state convention endorsing the candidacy of Ormsby County’s State Senator, Kenneth F. Johnson, for United States Senator.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: Centennial is the “Fun Day” theme as members of Mrs. Clara Harwood’s Corbett School kindergarten class celebrated their “fun day” by appearing for school dressed in Centennial clothes. Pictured (in part) are Lisa Amunsen, Gregory Ellis, Brenda Benaridez, Kathleen Hoke, LaVee Palm, Tamra Crawford, Cody Hargrove, Gary Silsby ...

30 Years Ago

The Sierra Sage Chapter of Sweet Adelines have elected new officers — President Annette Mankins, Cyndy Woodgate, vice president; Jackie Ramer, recording and corresponding secretary and Mildred Dickey, treasurer.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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