Animal services job fair Tuesday at Marriott

The Nevada Humane Society, which starts running city government’s animal services shelter and operations Oct. 1, is holding a job fair Tuesday at Carson City’s Courtyard Marriott.

It begins at 10 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m. in the Tahoe Room of the Courtyard lodging facility at 3870 S. Carson St. People with background information, such as résumés, or with questions about jobs were asked Monday to make contact via More information on the society (NHS) is available at, or by telephoning (775) 856-2000.

Carson City’s Board of Supervisors last Thursday adopted an ordinance and approved an agreement that contracts animal shelter and services work out to the society, which will institute a no-kill policy for most animals the contracting organization handles. That means no animal will be euthanized for cost, time or, space reasons, the Reno-based NHS said. It claims 93 percent survival via return to owners, adoption and healthful handling.

“Nevada Humane Society is a nationally recognized leader in animal welfare and once again we will prove this reputations is well earned, this time in our capital city,” said Kevin Ryan, the society’s CEO and chief spokesman. “This is our biggest expansion since we committed to building a no-kill community in 2007.”

Ryan said the city’s shelter will be overseen by Beata Liebetruth, former NHS animal help desk manager, and field services/outreach staff of Best Friends Animal Society.

“Liebetruth has worked with individual pet owners and animal rescue groups, as well as municipal animal shelters nationwide, and even from abroad,” according to NHS. Included has been work on animal hoarding situations, feral cat project management, and cruelty investigations. She has more than 15 years of animal welfare experience.

Animal services programs for the city will include pet adoptions, shelter operation and regulation, according to the agreement. The society intends that programs will focus on reuniting pets with owners, microchipping for ease of identification, and raising awareness about homeless pets.

The no-kill policy means only animals that lack quality of life or endanger others are at risk of being euthanized, which the society says results in 93 percent of animals dealt with having survived. The goal of no-kill is at least 90 percent. The society claims it has saved nearly 70,000 animals’ lives since instituting the no-kill policy.


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