Medical Reserve Corps a key volunteer group

This column appears in the Nevada Appeal Wednesday health pages. It addresses topics related to the health of our community.

Help others, Help yourself. Volunteer.

This week, April 12-18, is National Volunteer Week. Carson City Health and Human Services would like to take a moment to thank everyone in our community who serves as a volunteer, but would especially like to give a nod of appreciation to our Medical Reserve Corps volunteers.

Taylor Radtke, volunteer coordinator for the Western Nevada Medical Reserve Corps, understands the sacrifices volunteers make to serve others, often giving up time on the weekends to attend events. “The members of the Western Nevada Medical Reserve Corps are hardworking men and women that dedicate their time and efforts towards a healthier community. They are very eager to lend a helping hand and I cannot thank them enough for their assistance at Health Department activities,” she said.

Radtke, who works in the Public Health Preparedness division at CCHHS, has gotten to know many of the volunteers personally over the years, and many volunteers have become indispensable to service delivery at events like the NV 150 fair, the drive-through flu vaccine clinic, and first aid booths.

Volunteers make a difference in their communities. Volunteering is a great way to help those around you, but did you know you can improve your own life by being a volunteer? While many people begin volunteering simply for the intangible benefits such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment, there are many other worthwhile reasons to serve. Volunteering is a great way to build new skills and experience that can be beneficial to your life and your community, like problem solving, cooperation, and developing friendships and connections with others. Additionally, research has shown a strong relationship between volunteering and health: those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who don’t volunteer.

There are plenty of worthwhile organizations in our community who could use your time, skills, and expertise. Many of the Health Department’s partner organizations throughout the region are also looking for volunteers to help with a variety of causes. Whether you love animals, want to work with children, enjoy spending time with seniors, or want to lend a hand to those in need, there’s a place for you to volunteer.

If you want to take a more active part in your community by being a volunteer, Medical Reserve Corps might be a great fit for you. To join the Medical Reserve Corps or to learn more call Taylor Radtke at 887-7908 or log on to Medical Reserve Corps volunteers receive training on how to respond in emergencies, first aid and other wellness topics to that they are ready to serve our community when called upon.

For more information about other Health Department services, check out our website at or visit us at


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